Sorry Guys the story will be a bit late cuz of all the school work I have. But hopefully I'll keep you entertained in this boring reality. Heh Just Kidding.
So I thought of making a book post since its been soo long I talked about books. As a book lover I wanna change that.
Last year I read 37 books which I am very happy about. Maybe I can hit 50 this year?
And most of them were fantasy. Around 80%.
This year I'm trying the genre mystery which I haven't tried that much. So I am starting with A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. Is that a good start?
I only read 1 book so far this year( not a good start) but I hav a big pile of books 2 read.
Here they are,
1. The Girl who drank the Moon.
2. Caraval.
3. If I had told her.
4. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder.
5. The Reappearance of Rachel Price.
6. Percy Jackson: The Lightning Theif.
I am still reading Allegiant so not done with the divergent series. I'll write a post abt it after I finish guys. Its an amazing book!!! Tell me if you have read any of these books!!! Are they good?
Yours sincerely,
Your Favorite Blogger(not to brag),
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Divergent is awesom