Hellooo fans!!!
It's December the last month of 2024 and Christmas season!!!
In January, this blog completes an year of existing!!!!
So this is just a normal post nothing special. But after this will be something special so follow so that you don't miss it!
I'm just going 2 put all the study aesthetic pics I've taken and tell which ones were the hardest, rank them and what not.
Love this one tooo. Im thinking this could be my favorite too. 9 out of 10.
This has like a hazy feeling that I like. It's very music vibes. So I guess its a 6 out of 10.
This one is basic but not bland so it's like 5 out of 10.
I love this one. It represents like that reading is like peaceful or something like that. 8 out of 10.
My favorite one and this pic wasn't meant to be this good. But it turned out good. 9.5 out of 10.
This is a pretty ok pic and I think the hot pink aesthetic mostly worked. 7.5 out of 10.
In this I was trying to divide pink and black kind of and make it aesthetic but I think it failed. 3 out of 10.
This was my first attempt of aesthetic study picture and I remember I was soo proud of it. But now I have improved a lot more. 2 out of 10.What do you think fans? Tell me in the comments and await a poem about Winter!!!! I might put a post about my latest art part 2!!! If you haven't yet you can go check out my latest pieces of art part 1!!!!
Down here is my own way of ending letter posts if you haven't seen my older posts!
Yours sincerely,
Your Favorite Blogger, (not to brag)
I LOVE the first one too π