Hello everyone!! First November Post!
Yeah sorry for not posting in a long time. Had school stuff.
I started to read Divergent. I've heard it's very good and guess what? I love it!!!
Have you read it? If so who is your fav character?
I just heard this quote, "every poem must remember the reader they are gonna die." Do you think that's true? Tell me cuz I'm gonna put a poem soon!!!
Oh and guys its Winter soon!!!!!! It's not my fav season but it's very nice when it freshly snowed. I can't wait to do a winter photo gallery.
Here's a random photo gallery... I guess I can call The Sun and Moon Photo Gallery.
This was a very quick photo and I didn't expect it to turn out like this! At 3.30p.m. #sunset
So yeah. I'll see u guys next time with a poem and stay tuned by following!!! Comment abt those questions!!!
#mihidhi #coolstuffblog #aestheticsky #sunset #sunrise
The sunrise is soo pretty and these pics are so original so its awesome!!!