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The Red in Your Eyes...πŸ₯€πŸ–€πŸ©ΈπŸ“œ


I wrote a story, not my best work but I am kind of proud of it. It begins and ends with the same sentence but a different meaning. I worked hard on it so give me feedback!

“The red brings out your eyes”

 I say to my little sister now draped in a crimson dress hugging her curves on the top but flowing down just after her knees. Her green eyes are sparkling tonight. Her collarbones peek out from the shoulderless fabric. She’s simply breathtaking.

“So, the dress is good?” She is still studying herself in the mirror.

“Good? Lena, you look gorgeous!!!” My mom exclaims entering the room. “Even your brother’s drooling”

“I am not!” I exclaim looking at Mom. They both chuckle.


A few moments later, after Lena grabbed her purse and perfected herself more, I help her into the car. I get in the front and start the car. I start driving racing with the chilly autumn wind. Leaves whirl around in the air, filling it with a red, brown, and gold aura—my favorite season.

“Could we open the window? It’s boiling in here” Lena sighs.

“Wouldn’t the wind mess up your hair?”

“It’s going to get messed up anyway”

All four windows roll down letting the wind inside. The car hears us. Everything in this town is magic.  I smell the magic. The magic has been there for centuries thanks to the Sons of the Daring. Two men who found the magic. I take one sharp corner and stop in front of the 3-story white building blasting with music. Lena steps out and one of her friends in a silver sparkling dress comes jogging up to her smiling.


“Happy Birthday tina!” Lena hands her a bag exchanging a hug.

“You’ll be 15 too next month, right?” Lena nods.

And I will turn 18. Lena and I share the same Birthday. Lena looks at me and gives a little wave.

“Call me if you need anything” I speed away back home.


I’m drinking coffee on the stairs of the front porch. It’s nearly ten pm and Lena still hasn’t called me. She has forbidden me to call her being that overprotective big brother. So I prevented the urge to reach for my phone. A sudden unnatural chill blasted around me.

But it felt extremely familiar like the night Dad was murdered. We never found out who did it.

I stand up keeping my empty cup on the stairs. Then in a blink, utter darkness had fallen. I was standing within nothing. My atmosphere had deshelled into thin air. I just stood there staring into nothingness. A voice broke through the darkness like a blade cutting through flesh.

“Join me” It rasped. “Then I’ll give you bliss”

“What are you?”  I look around. There’s nothing. The voice is coming from within the dark. For some reason, it didn’t scare me. If I am going to die, then I won’t die cowering.

“I am what you people call dark magic. You believe the rumors. Of it being evil. But it is because of me the bright magic shines.”

I thought of everything that happened and all the stories I’d heard. Dark magic. It is something worse than death. It cannot be described by words. But who knows? Nobody who knew it lived to tell the story. If I join it that’s what will happen to me. But what if I survive? What if I am the one to tell the truth? I had never been useful to my family. Never been a hero. Never know where I’ll end up.

“I only give a chance to people I see potential in” It rasped again as if reading my mind. The darkness helped me think.

“What potential do you see in me?”


I gulped. Maybe this is my chance. The darkness taps at my chest longingly. I don’t know how it feels so familiar, but I give in to bliss. My bones are jelly. I’m flying and falling, cold and hot, happy and lonely. I don’t know how to describe it. It is the darkness and the light forged together. It is everything of the world forged into one.

It is sudden but I knew this was going to happen so I give in with the non-existing force and stab the dagger in my hand into a wildly beating heart. A woman’s heart. It rips the red fabric she is wearing and blood takes its place.

The voice rasps out a cackle and I smile in answer. Then the vision is gone. I’m standing in a dark backyard—the body I killed in my hands. I can't breathe. My vision is clouded. I just killed someone. So, the things people said are right. I shouldn’t have given it a chance.

I look at the woman's corpse and my ears ring. Her green eyes were open but were no longer shining the way they did this evening. And the crimson dress is ripped blood blooming out. My sister’s face is covered in fresh blood and gore.

I fall to my knees dizzily.. My voice is too hoarse to scream. My mind and my soul are dying so much for being the protective older brother. I killed her. I killed my sister.

“Lena wake up” That’s all I can get out. Blood. Her blood is in my hands. I break a sob.

The last thing I chirp out is,

 “The red brings out your eyes”.


 I hope u enjoyed this short story. Follow for more!

 #fantasy #story #writer #mihidhi #coolblog #sadstory #blood



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