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The Goddess of Water, the Sea....๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿชป๐ŸŒ‘

This is a poem but also part story. Hope you enjoy it. Do you find it relatable? Give me feedback and follow for more!!!

The water splashes around me 

My gliding swift and calm

 No noise in splashes

 Just a music to my ears.

My soul is loose

Through the waters 

I’m dancing

I imagine the others

Fighting a slow death

As they try to overtake 

the expert, and that’s me.

I don’t want this moment to end

I hear no sound

Not the cheering of my family

Screaming in the crowd

This moment I go to another world

A void where only I can reach

This isn’t a competition for me

It’ll never be a career

It is my life

water, swimming

I am the goddess of water, the sea.

The whistle blows

Screeching through my dream

As I reach the finish line

And the crowd goes wild

I climb out of the water

And the rest is a flash

As I am given a golden medal

Useless to me

It hangs on my neck

Glinting over my red vibrant wet hair

But it isn’t that that gives me pride

Its something else

The feel of wetness on to my skin

The water etching into my eyes

I just want to jump back in

To the heaven of cold water

The fresh smell of it

Not like in a pool

But this

In a natural pond

The coldness was like a slap in the face

Freshening my drowsy state.

Hope you liked it!! What do you think?

#poems #writer #poet #mihidhi #shortpoems #poemblog


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