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The Possession... A story You'll love to visit!!

Welcome to my story....

The Possession.

#coolstories #fantasystories #fantasylove #possessed

 I think of the times we were happy as a family. When we went to visit grandma without usual tragedy. Maybe it was cursed. However, the worst vacation still haunts me in my dreams.

I fumbled with my clothes as I stuff the drawer of stuff into my blue suitcase. I liked getting ready in the last minute. It made me more quick let alone messier. I checked my watch.  There. Done. Dragging the suitcase along the hallway I carried the heavy steel bag down stairs and laid it down with a sigh on the landing but accidentally dropping it on my big toe. I groaned as pain seared through to my leg.

“ Dang it!”

All the suitcases were loaded onto the car. The red coloured bag filled most of it and I hardly have space to squeeze mine in. As I was done, mom came out. 

“ Ok, get in the car everybody.” her eyes gleamed unlike usual sadness hidden under those pupils.

Lily , my little sister, fortunately got the front seat while I was to survive in the suitcase filled backseat. 

You can see that this is a not very happy little family getting on with their normal summer vacation planning to visit their grandma.  It wasn’t long before we got in our little cosy car, and started their journey unaware of what’s at stake. 

After about driving for only half an hour Lily was asleep. The four year olds little snores filled the silent car as it bobbed down its path to a series of unfortunate events.

“ Honey you are very quiet” mom winked at me through the mirror. I smiled.

“ I’m just bored”

Four hours into their journey their destination awaited; a little cottage stood alone steam puffing up along its chimney. 

“ Wake up Lily! We are here!” I got off the car, ran to the door knocking roughly. 

The door opened to revealed a elderly woman standing , crooked at the back. She had deep blue eyes just like my dads. Except for that dad died two years back. Her silvery hair gleamed. The loss of her son probably made the embers, our, visits bring back old memories for her. 

“ Hello my lovelies! I made you your favorite pie.” It wasn’t really my favorite. It was Lily’s and dad’s. 

“ Hello grandma” I wasn’t halfway through the door when mom’s frantic voice caught attention.

“ She is not waking up… She is not even stirring…”

Grandma waddled towards the car worried. I felt puzzled. Probably Lily having a really deep sleep. Or is it? Dad died so suddenly. I remembered his heart attack. Dad was on the floor without warning and stuffed in a screaming ambulance. Rushed to the hospital, I can remember my dad once active and jolly lay defeated on the dull hospital bed. It was only a few days after the ravaging sickness won and The day dad gave up. I can remember the white roses I threw in his grave sobbing, as mom cried alone in a corner.

I don’t want to lose Lily. I can’t imagine a life more boring. I sprinted to where mom was shaking Lily’s head trying to get her to wake up. Lily looked pale and calm almost not sleeping. There was something more to it. And I once, had seen it. 

Grandma took moms phone and called the ambulance. I couldn't believe it. Hopefully nothing happened. Just grandma’s fuss. But as time passed I could see that Lily was in pain. Her face was crumpled and her breathing was a horrible rasp. Without warning, my summer was ruining step by step. An ambulance isn’t a  normal summer. It’s a turn. 

To be continued....


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