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The Possession Ending!

#fantasy #shortstories #cool

 “What in the world is this then? If you had contact with her, you should have told me! You are hiding something!”

“Simon calm down! It could be like she bought from a shop or something. Do not do any actions before you know!” Amber grab my arm and forcefully make me face her into her powerful glare which make hot tears spring into my own brown eyes. 

“How could it be store bought? It is evil magic! It literally has Lily alive in it and she is calling for my help! She’s my sister Amber, not yours. You don’t know what it is like! Let me go!” I shout into her ears and she instantly lets go. I wonder if it’s anger or sadness in her face for what I said but, she says no more. I glare at mom again, but now she is wearing a smile sending chills down my spine. Why am I scared? I feel ashamed. She is my mother. Or is it?

“ Child did you find out my plan? I’m sorry but are you scared? How gullible my son is. Just like your father!” She snickers.

“Oh, I get it! You killed father too! How bad are you?”

“Very bad, my love. But I don’t lie. I did not kill your father. After he died only I consumed this magic. What is the fun in living with two boring kids without money? I have a life!”

“But why would you kill Lily? She is your daughter!”

“Don’t you see? I did not kill her. I imprisoned her, love. She is in that thing. She gives me power. I consume her soul bit by bit until she is nothing more than a coconut shell. She is not my daughter anymore.” With that the person who was once my mother giggles.

“Stop calling me ‘love’. It’s disgusting I‘m related to you!”

“Oh, I will when I consume you too.” She moves forward. I quickly turn to Amber.

“What are you waiting for? Run!!” I bellow.

We scramble into the house and lock the door behind us. Amber and I run into the kitchen and turn it upside down looking for knives and other weapons.

Then I realize the horrid realization. I had left the necklace with mom. I should have taken it! What am I thinking? She tricked me! She was right. I am gullible.

“I have to go back!” I turn to Amber. “I need to go back and take it. We need to find a way to get Lily out of there. Every second wasted counts!”

I run from the kitchen but Amber blocks my path. Now I’m furious.

“Amber, please….” I breath whispering. But she doesn’t say anything. She just hands me a knife.

“It will come handy” she grins. 

I go out of the house to where mom was. But she is gone. So is the necklace.

“Looking for something?…” A familiar voice calls behind me. 

I don’t look. I turn around and shove my knife sharply in front of me. I hear a hasp and a thud as a body falls down. I had closed my eyes ready for the impact but when I open my eyes I see nothing other than the bleeding body of Amber. She has the necklace on her hand shoving it to me. Her mouth is moving. I bend towards her shaking from the shock.

“I f…found the..the necklace…she..she came to the kitchen…at..after you let…left….” she shudders violently.

“I'm…I’m so sorry Amber…” I feel hot tears. How could I kill her?

“It’s fine. Goo..goodbye Simon.”

She’s gone. Forever.

Then mom walks in. She looked shocked. What pretense!

“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!! GIVE ME BACK LILY!!!” I shout pouring all my anger to everything that happened to me.

“Simon, why are you shouting?” A small voice that I had wanted to hear so badly before. I turn to face my back. There stand my dead little sister. She seems real. Not like in the necklace. The necklace lay in shatters at her feet. Small fumes emit from its insides. Amber is gone. Not a clue left something happened here. That somebody died.

“What? I don’t understand…” I stutter.

“Why were you shouting at me love?” Mom come towards me.

Somehow, her evil waves are gone. There was a vibe but it is gone. 

“It was that girlfriend of yours who trapped me” whisper Lily to my ear.

I  do not get it. My best friend betrayed me. She was possessing my mother. All my conversations with her, were Amber. This is a full blown surprise and Anger. But for the first time I felt like I had a happy ending in my life. A happy Truth. It was hard my best friend betrayed me and that she is gone but everything happens for a reason. I had Lily. I had a mom. I have hope and trust until another adventurous tragedy find my heart yet again.

The End!

By Mihidhi.


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