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Alive at Heart.... A Short Story to Leave you Shook...

#death #alive #shortstory #sad

Keep in touch with me to be updated and mesmerized by my poems, stories and other cool bits! And don't forget to send me some feedback on the comments!

I wrote a short story. So a story it is! Enjoy!

The wind was howling through the hauntingly deserted streets. The trees bended intensely as though bowing to a king. A clap of lightning passed through the grey sheet of cloud placed over the sky along with deafening thunder.  Big, fat raindrops began falling pitter patter to the ground gradually increasing. Slowly, the street was flooding with freshly fallen rainwater.   A girl cleared her way, wading through the water filled in the pavement. She was carrying a red umbrella not really using it as she herself was completely wet. By wet I mean is sodden; drenched. Skinny as she was her flowing red hair made her look pretty. You could say that her view was blurred from her square glasses which she didn't bother to wipe. Her name was pinned to her neat but damp blue dress spelling 'Diana'

Diana was an orphan. She was heading back to the orphanage after her usual evening walk. Many people went with a friend but Diana needed time to think and cry for herself. sometimes you just need to relive yourself alone. A tear rolled down her cheek. The memory of her parents dying came flooding back. It always did when she was alone.  The vision of a fatal accident flashed with a ambulance wailing at her ears and her mom screaming. That's all she could remember anyway. She has never had a family since.

Then suddenly, there was a blinding flash and there was nothing more than a pale coloured car beside her. It felt familiar. Then 'ping' she got it. It was her dad's old car. she slowly checked the number plate and her hopes rose even more. She knew it was stupid but there could always be a 'what if' right? The window rolled down and the square face of her dad popped out. Diana was spellbound; not knowing what to do. Jump with joy or keep walking? I mean who will lose a chance to meet their dead father? 

Diana hopped into her old car. It welcomed her warmly. The girl hugged her father overjoyed. After sometime which she didn't feel passing the car was in front of the big white prison of an orphanage. She looked to meet a horrifying surprise. They had disappeared into thin air. What in the world is happening? She shouted but, only the howling wind and the rain answered her. She walked in leaving the mystery unsolved promising to return.

                                                       THE END.


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